Dissertations Chaired
Kregg Hetherington. Guerrilla Auditors : Transparency, Democracy and Rural Politics in Paraguay (2008)
Rossio Motta-Ochoa. Psychiatric Technologies Under Neo-Liberal Restructuring in a Peruvian Psychiatric Hospital (2013)
Kristina Lyons. Soil Practitioners and Vital Spaces : Agricultural Ethics and Life Processes in the Colombian Amazon (2013)
Stefanie Graeter. Mineral Incorporations : Lead Science, Ethics, and Politics in Central Peru (2015)
Camilo Sanz. Oncopolitics of Deferral and Temporal Urgency : Health Insurances, Biomedical Practices and Cancer in Colombia (2016)
Meghan Donelly. Practices of Perseverance : Violence, Impossible Information, and Critical Journalism in Mexico (2018)
Ingrid Lagos. Remittance Clinics : Making Relatives, Patients, and Doctors in Rural El Salvador (2016)
Magali Rabasa. The Book in Movement : Autonomous Politics and the Recrafting of Books in Latin America (2014)
Diana Pardo. Trust in Scales : Humanitarian Demining and Peace Laboratories in Rural Colombia (2019)
Julia Morales Fontanilla. Necrolife: Encounters of Practice in the Colombian Morgues. An Ethnography of Postmortem Examinations (2019)
Juan Camilo Cajigas. Everyday ethics in the Anthropocene: An ethnography of the Tropical-Andean Cloud Forest in Colombia (2019)
Aida Sofia Rivera Sotelo. Coral Nurseries: Growing Coral in a Not Only Biological Sea (2021)
Adam Kersch. Inoculating Whiteness: Settler Colonialism, Race, Resistance, and Infectious Diseases on Sheet'ká Kwáan. Co-advised with Suzana Sawyer (2022)
Anne O'Connor. Making up Mosquitoes: Gene Drives, Malaria, and Reproductive Transformation in the Field. Co-advised with Mario Biagioli (2022).
Mehmet Fatih Tatari. Worlds of Dairy Farming in Northeastern Turkey: Making Boundaries, Cheeses, Communities, and Technosciences (2023).
Marie McDonald. Unstable Geos: Living with Mudslides in the Colombian Andes (2022).